So it happened. I finally became a victim of identity theft. I'm not happy about this, nor am I glad that I finally "got it out of my system" but they always say don't think it can't happen to you, so I am just trying to be Zen and take what life throws at me.
Thankfully so far the only thing this vagabond charged to my card was $8.76 worth of games purchased through my itunes account. Now I am very glad that they didn't clean me out or even overdraw my account, but who even buys games on itunes? I wanted my identity stolen by someone cool like in those Citibank commercials - people who go on cruises or buy a bunch of shoes or something else extravagant, but I got blessed with a boring identity thief who is content to skim minimal amounts of money off of other people's accounts so they can play bowling on their ipod. That is lame. I had to go through all of the trouble of cancelling my card and emailing Apple, who was kind enough to reimburse me the $8.76 although they did warn me that it would only be a one-time thing, for some silly video games.
I guess this is just another way the bad economy is manifesting itself in consumer behavior. I wonder if my I.T (Identity Thief) was just a normal guy or girl who liked to occasionally go on itunes and buy games for their ipod, but when the stockmarket crashed in September they had to start trimming their spending and they found that they could either spend a few dollars here and there for entertainment or pay the rent. And maybe my I.T. is up and coming in some hip and trendy ipod gamers association and to lose the ability to keep up on the latest games would mean losing his/her main source of "social interaction" and a chance to beat someone else's high score and gain full initiation into the club. If this was the case, I guess I could sympathize, but in the end this anonymouse person who posed as me on November 6th at 8:29 PM caused me a lot of trouble and they should be ashamed.
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