Disclaimer: I just wanted to say that I think the Twilight books are awful, but sometimes we are drawn to the things we dislike - hence me reviewing this trailer.
1. Identify the Argument
Come see the Twilight movie on Nov. 21.
2. Target Audience
Women and girls of all ages, who are interested in romance novels masking as fantasy books for young adults. Especially those who still hang on to adolescent fantasies about the "Ideal Man"/ their very own Prince Charming.
3. How the Argument is Made
Ethos - The studio that is releasing the movie is not the most credible of sources when it comes to whether "Nothing will be the Same" after Nov. 21, but they don't make a lot of claims about the film's magnificence, they just show you enough from the plot to get you interested enough to want to see the movie or find out what happens to these teenagers apparently "in love" in high school.
Pathos - They show a lot of the lines that appeal to women's swooning emotions, like "You are my life now" and other cheesy lines, they also show the teenagers kissing so there is a passionate appeal there. They also bring in the "male as protector" theme that some women find very attractive when they show scenes of the boy fighting for the girl. And then the trailer also makes an appeal to your curiosity and wonder by nature of the fact that this guy is definately not normal, probably a vampire and in love with a mortal, how will that work?
Logos - None whatsoever.
Sufficient Evidence - I think for the target audience there was enough cheesy, melodramatic stuff to get them hooked. And enough shots of the "devastatingly handsome" vampire that he is enough just to get them to go see the movie.
Typical Evidence - Movie trailers seldom claim anything other than this is our movie, here is a brief snippet of the plot to get you interested, here is when it comes out, you should come. It was pretty much the same kind of trailer I've seen a thousand times.
Accurate Evidence - The main guy is handsome so their appeal to get you to come so a hot guy, is pretty accurate, and considering that they just showed a bunch of clips from the movie, it doesn't get any more accurate than the real McCoy.
Relevant Evidence - I actually think they did a good job of outlining the plot without giving too much away so that those who haven't read the books still understand what the movie is going to be about.
4. Was it effective and Why?
I think for the target audience it will be very effective. Considering the widespread popularity of the books, it won't be hard to get fans to come see the movie, especially because they chose a handsome guy to be the main vampire. Also the movie is rated PG-13 so women will still be able to take their younger daughters to see the film so that they will have a legitimate excuse to go, other than just wanting to see the real life Prince Charming from the book in action. I think that the trailer showed enough of the characters and the setting of the movie so that people who have read the book will be able to agree or disagree with their choice of actors or location which is something that can draw them to or away from the film. They also showed enough plot and dialogue that people could determine how closely the filmmakers followed the book which could also be a draw to or away from the film. All in all, I think the movie will do well and although the trailer isn't anything really special, I think those who are excited abotu the movie, will be drawn in by it for sure.
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