My sister had a baby girl on June 19th. Her name is Maren Virginia Kershisnik Blake and in addition to having a name like a law firm, she is the cutest baby in the entire world. Just so you know, I have only been married for about a month and a week now and I have absolutely no desire to have children of my own yet. In fact, while my sister was pregnant, I had horrible nightmares about myself being pregnant and having to get an epidural, etc. Oddly enough there was never a Dad, it was always just me facing the needle alone, but anyway that is off topic.
Through little Maren I have come to appreciate how amazing it is to watch a little person grow. She is only three months old but it is incredible how much more control she has over her body and facial expressions and even her voicebox. Babies are so interesting to watch. They look all everywhere all the time and they are so overwhelmed by the world around them that the sensory overload that results from constantly surveying the world around them sends them into a coma every hour or so, enabling them to process all the information they just took in.
I always thought it would be so cool if we could remember what is was like to be a baby and be able to relive learning who are parents are, how to talk, how to walk and all those other developmental milestones that help us enter the "real world". Because I think I might want to go back a few steps so that I could enjoy the sleep, eat, burp lifestyle again.
This wish for degeneration does not stem from inherent laziness or my life-long obsession with footy pajamas, instead it is the reuslt of admiration. Babies are so amazed by everything and so interested in what's going on around them. Also, everything they do is cute and praiseworthy; I can't think of the last time an adult was lauded for going number 2. In addition, anything that distresses a baby becomes priority one and even if an infant keeps their parents up all night crying, the baby is not kicked out of the house or given a citation for being loud and unruly at ungodly hours of the morning.
I know that the point of this life is progression and that wishing to be more like a baby is futile, but I think childrens's curiosity and fascination with the world is worthy of emulation as is their ability to be totally satisfied with life as long as they are held and fed.